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Publisert 25. august 2005 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

From the Vatican, Secretariat of State Aug. 17

To Brother Alois,

Dear Brother,

Learning with deep emotion of the tragic death of Brother Roger, which occurred in the Church of Reconciliation, the Holy Father offers up to God a fervent prayer for the rest of the soul of this untiring witness to the Gospel of peace and of reconciliation.

At the time when, in Lyon, Father Couturier was putting to work his ecumenical inspirations, Brother Roger, a man of faith loving passionately the Church, was founding in Taizé a Community that was to attract young people from the whole world. Numerous generations of Christians, respecting their own confessions, were to have an authentic experience of faith there, in an encounter with Christ, thanks to prayer and brotherly love, responding in this way to his invitation to live in unity through the bond of peace.

The Holy Father joins in prayer with the Brothers of the Community of Taizé, as well as with all persons touched by this grief, and entrusts them to the Lord, that they may find the strength to continue the work of reconciliation begun by Brother Roger. As a token of comfort in this painful trial, His Holiness gladly bestows on them the apostolic blessing.

Cardinal Angelo Sodano

ZEN - Zenit (23. august 2005)

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