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Publisert 6. januar 2003 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

BEIJING, Dec 27, 02 (CWNews.com) - In a year-end message to Chinese government leaders, a group of lay Catholics affiliated with the underground Church have renewed their plea for a change in government policy.

«We hope, in the new year, that government policy toward the Catholic Church can be improved to suit the times,» wrote the Chinese Roman Catholic Laymen (CRCL). The group-- formed earlier this year to advance the rights of the underground Church-- argued that a change in policy would be in keeping with the new government's attitudes.

«China has experienced world-shaking changes,» the CRCL letter observed, «and people's thinking has changed thoroughly.» However, the group noted, the government has not changed its policies requiring Catholics to enlist in the government-sponsored Patriotic Catholic Association, and to break their ties with Rome.

CRCL explained, in its message to the Beijing leadership, that communion with the Holy See is an essential characteristic of true Catholicism. And the group pointed out that despite 50 years of Communist repression, the loyal Catholic Church continues to thrive despite government restraints. Still, the group pleads, «we would like to be citizens the government can trust, not disobeying the governmental decree.»

Loyal Catholics can also be loyal citizens, CRCL wrote. «Chinese Catholics are patriotic,» the message stressed. «From ancient times till now, there has not been any Catholic to betray his country because of his Catholic belief.» In China, the group continued: « With over 50 years' contact between the government and Catholic Church, it should be known that Roman Catholic Church in China, like the ones in other countries, is loyal to her own country and willing to obey the leadership of the government. However, she also needs to keep communion with the Pope because of her belief.»

Despite the predictions of early Communist leaders, CRCL observed, «religion had not withered away, but more and more people believe.» The group argued that just as Communist ideology has changed to allow greater economic freedom, the Beijing leadership should now allow greater religious liberty.

«It is a pity that government policy toward Catholics remains unchanged,» the group wrote. «We plead with the government to re-evaluate the policy toward Catholics.»

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27. desember 2002

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