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Publisert 2. august 2002 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

MEXICO CITY, Aug 1, 02 (CWNews.com) - Pope John Paul presided at the beatification of two Mexican martyrs on Thursday, in an emotional ceremony at the basilica of Guadalupe.

Like the canonization of St. Juan Diego, which took place the previous day, the beatification of Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Angeles was a ceremony heavily influenced by the traditions of native Indians. The Pope wore an embroidered Indian stole, the service included the use of several different Indian languages, and the ceremony featured Indian music and dancing-- with many performers wearing the traditional dress regalia of their tribes.

The beatification of the two Zapotec Indian martyrs, coming immediately after the proclamation of the first American Indian saint, had an obvious impact on the morale of Mexican natives. Work and traffic in Mexico City virtually ground to a halt on both Wednesday and Thursday, with hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets between the Guadalupe basilica and the residence of the papal nuncio-- a distance of over 10 miles-- to cheer the papal motorcade.

The special bond that Pope John Paul has struck with the Mexican people was underlined at the conclusion of the ceremony. The Holy Father quoted the Spanish words of a popular song, saying: «I am going, but not leaving; while I go, my heart stays.» In response, shouts of «Don't go!» echoed through the basilica.

With back-to-back ceremonies honoring Indian Christians, the Pope forcefully called attention to the social and economic problems that continue to trouble the native tribes of Mexico. As he bade farewell to the Pontiff at a short airport ceremony, Mexico's President Vicente Fox remarked that the papal visit would leave the country's leaders «committed to work for the neediest, the marginalized, the people who do not enjoy the benefits of development.» Above all, he said, «it leaves us committed to the Indian peoples.»

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1. august 2002

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