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Publisert 19. november 2001 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

BERLIN, Nov 14, 01 (CWNews.com) - A German cardinal said in a magazine interview on Wednesday that killing Osama bin Laden would be morally justified, although trying him in court would be better.

Cardinal Joachim Meisner told Bunte magazine, "The best thing would be to capture Osama bin Laden and put him before a court. But if that isn't possible, then tyrannicide remains the last option." He compared the question to the argument whether killing Adolf Hitler would be morally just. "The key question is whether humanity must protect itself against this kind of monster who only brings death, hatred and decay," Cardinal Meisner said.

The cardinal also said that immorality in Western society, including Germany, had done much to give Muslims a bad impression of Christians. "When our society attacks God, when newspapers show pictures of naked women, when children are aborted, homosexuals are allowed to marry, in the eyes of many Muslims that means: They are no longer human beings, they are animals," he said.

"Where should our young people find guidance, if the ones bearing the political mandate have four wives?" Cardinal Meisner said. Both Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer have been married four times each.

"Marriage without God, government office without God, not having the new Chancellery blessed - all without God! We've become a 'without' society. It's like in East Germany. And we've seen where this ends," said Meisner.

The cardinal also said he did not think of Islam as a religion of tolerance. "It's often said that Islam is tolerant. But I know of no Islamic country that is tolerant. Islam only preaches tolerance in countries where it is in a minority," said Meisner. "Our constitution calls for understanding of human dignity, of tolerance, of freedom. Do all of our Muslim fellow citizens also have this understanding?" he asked.

Catholic World News Service - Daily News Briefs
14. november 2001

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