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Publisert 15. august 2001 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

CRAWFORD, Texas, Aug 9, 01 (CWNews.com) - US President George W. Bush told Americans on Thursday night that he will allow federally funding for embryonic stem cell research only using cells from existing stocks, strongly restricting the research.

In the televised address from his ranch in Texas, Bush said that private researchers have already created 60 "family" lines of stem cells which resulted from the death of embryonic unborn children. A line of cells is formed by taking stem cells from a single embryo and growing more in the laboratory, restricting that line to a single sample of genetic material. Bush said he would "allow federal funds to be spent on existing stem cell lines where the life and death decision has already been made."

Before making his announcement, Bush said he had given much thought to the "difficult and agonizing question." He emphasized that the issue has been much debated, causing division in many circles. "Even many in the same faith come to different conclusions," he said.

He said that in making his decision he considered that large numbers of embryonic unborn children already exist from in vitro fertilization, and that "left over" embryos remain frozen in labs--some don't survive, others are destroyed, a number are donated to science, and some are adopted and born.

The president also noted that private researchers had done much of the current work on stem cells and will not be limited by his decision. Only federal funding for the research will be restricted.

Two questions were at the center of his decision, Bush said: Are these frozen embryos human life and therefore precious? If they are going to be destroyed anyway, shouldn't they be used for good?

In answer, he concluded that "even the most noble ends do not justify any means." He added that human life is a sacred gift and that he feels that as president he has an important obligation to foster respect for human life, here and abroad.

In addition to restricting embryonic stem cell research to only those cell lines from embryos that have already been killed, Bush said he is setting up a president's council to monitor stem cell research.

CWN - Catholic World News
09. august 2001