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Publisert 9. november 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

To His Beatitude Michel Sabbah Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem And President of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land

The trials being experienced at the present time by the peoples of the Holy Land are for me a source of great suffering, and I would like to express to everyone, without exception, my heartfelt solidarity.

The sudden transition from negotiation to confrontation undoubtedly represents a setback for peace, but no-one must give way to fatalism: the Israeli and Palestinian peoples are called by geography and history to live together.

The will only be able to do so in a peaceful and lasting way if all individuals see their fundamental rights guaranteed: both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are equally entitled to live in their own home in dignity and security.

Only a return to the negotiating table on an equal footing, with due respect for international law, is capable of disclosing a future of brotherhood and peace for those who live in this blessed land.

Recalling my pilgrimage to your region a few months ago, I think with emotion of all those places which speak to us of the history of God's contact with man and which represent an appeal to work together to ensue that violence, hatred or suspicion will never again disfigure this part of the world.

I encourage you, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land, together with all the leaders of the Christian communities, to renew your efforts to ensure that relationships between all are inspired by mutual respect, in humility and trust.

I appeal likewise to those who have the task of guiding the followers of Judaism and Islam to draw from the wellspring of their beliefs all the energies needed so that the inner and outward peace to which the peoples aspire may become a reality

I invite the international community to continue its efforts to help both sides to devise solutions which will ensure the security and just tranquility which they desire, and which are the prerogatives of every nation and the preconditions of life and progress for every society.

Invoking upon all people of good will the favour of Almighty God, who will speak peace to his people, to his saints, to those who turn to him in their hearts (cf. Ps 85:9), with affection I impart to Your Beatitude and to your Brothers in the Episcopate, as also to all the faithful entrusted to your care and theirs, my Apostolic Blessing.

From the Vatican, 6 November 2000

John Paul II
8. november 2000

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