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Publisert 18. september 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

JERUSALEM, Sep. 15, 00 (CWNews.com/Fides) - Next week the Custodians of the Holy Land will launch an international campaign to inform the nations of the world, through embassies, nunciatures, bishops, and individual Christians, of the danger incurred by pilgrims visiting Nazareth since the Israeli government granted a request by Muslim extremists to build a mosque on the doorstep of the Basilica of the Annunciation.

With letters warning governments and bishops' conferences and urging them to take serious steps to guarantee the safety of their citizens and faithful, the Franciscan Custodians of the Holy Land hope to obtain some reaction since the state of Israel appears to be impassive to any appeal to desist from its decision. As a last resort to persuade the Israeli government of the real danger involved, the Christian churches in the Holy Land are united in considering another "closed doors" protest at all holy places throughout Galilee.

Father Giovanni Batistelli, OFM, Custodian of the Holy Land, criticized the attitude of Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami, who was mainly responsible for the decision to grant the controversial request, for refusing to listen to the Christian leaders who asked for permission to be withdrawn. "I have sent several letters to Minister Ben Ami and to Minister Haim Ramon, but have received no reply. On August 14, when Ben Ami visited the Vatican he promised Archbishop Tauran he would invite me for a talk. In fact a few days ago, I and the other Christian leaders here in the Holy Land had a meeting with him. But when we brought up the subject of the mosque in Nazareth he refused to comment, saying the matter would be addressed at a later date."

The Patriarchs and Bishops of the Holy Land are also sending a letter of protest after Ben Ami's outright refusal to discuss the question of the Nazareth mosque during the meeting with Christian leaders on September 11.

In the meantime in Nazareth, fundamentalist Muslim groups occupied the area as trucks began to dump building material in front of the Basilica where the Israeli government intends to build the mosque. The situation is tense. Christian pilgrims making their way by the site to reach the shrine are insulted and showered with stones, dead rats, and anti-Christian and anti-Pope leaflets by Muslim extremists. The Israeli security forces do nothing to stop the attacks, witnesses said.

The highest Muslim authorities in the region and in the Arab world have strongly criticized the decision to allow the building of the mosque. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has also voiced his disapproval. On September 13, yet another attempt by a delegation of the Palestinian Authorities to persuade the Islamic group in Nazareth to withdraw their claim to the land was unsuccessful.

On September 13, the Holy Land Custodian had a meeting with the new president of Israel Moshe Katsav, to whom he voiced his concern, urging the president's personal intervention to deal with the serious situation in Nazareth.

Catholic World News Service - Daily News Briefs

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