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Publisert 7. september 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Owner Was Impressed by John XXIII

ROME, SEP 5 (ZENIT.org).- There is a circus, which has its «winter headquarters» in the German city of Cologne, with the unusual name «Roncalli.» This is no accident, as it was specifically named in honor of the new Blessed John XXIII.

The circus' founder, who will be 25 next year, is Austrian Bernard Paul. He chose the circus' name intentionally. Why? «For two reasons,» his Italian wife Eliana explained. «First: my husband wanted an Italian name. Roncalli sounded very good to the German ear. Second: Bernard was impressed by a phrase of Pope John XXIII. I cannot remember it by heart, but the gist of it was this: the circus is the only place where persons who are of different race, nation, and religion, work together to bring happiness to people, to all people. Later, Bernard learned more about John XXIII from books. He was so close to the people, so popular. He had great charisma, a figure that warmed the heart. He was also a Pope who loved the circus.»

«Next year, we will dedicate the show specifically to Pope John,» Eliana said.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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