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Publisert 7. september 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Says Israeli Government's Decision Is «Irresponsible»

JERUSALEM, SEP 6 (ZENIT.org).- The Holy Land Delegation in Italy has appealed to all Catholics around the world to exert pressure «on the government of Israel to halt the 'irresponsible decision' to approve the construction work of the mosque in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, which is keeping the famous shrine in a state of siege.» The appeal was made the day after the area where the religious building will be constructed was surveyed. According to the international agency «Fides,» works began on September 4, with the consensus of the Israeli government.

The mosque is planned by Muslim extremists, and represents a provocation against the Christian community and the pilgrims who arrive at the Basilica of the Annunciation.

On August 14, when Israeli Minister Sholomo Ben Ami visited Rome, he calmed the Vatican, assuring respect for Christian holy places in Israel and Jerusalem. However, the promise seems to have been forgotten, given that members of the Israeli government were present during the survey of the terrain where the mosque will be constructed.

Yasser Arafat himself expressed his opposition to the mosque's construction on several occasions. During a meeting in Rimini, Italy, his envoy, Bassam Abu Saharif, denounced the obstinacy of some Israeli circles, which are determined to implement the project, even though it is also criticized by Muslim authorities of neighboring countries.

The Israeli government supported the idea of the mosque's construction. What is more, according to Fr. David Jaeger, Israeli Franciscan, and juridical consultant of the Holy Land Custody, who is also professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Antonianum Atheneum in Rome, the decision to support the construction of the mosque is the result of the «propaganda of the Israeli government. A deceitful propaganda that nourishes Muslim fundamentalism.» In fact, according to Fr. Jaeger, the extremists «speak openly of this construction as the 'first step' towards the total disappearance of the Christian monuments and faithful in the zone of Nazareth and the entire Holy Land.»

Meanwhile, the Israeli government says one thing and does another. «In fact, Israeli propaganda speaks of conflict between local Christians and Muslims and the role of the government as mediator, of their decision as a settlement.»

In reality, this is a twisted justification, as the terrain where the mosque will be constructed is municipal, and the Muslims' attempts to declare it «terrain dedicated to the Islamic cult,» have been rejected by the judicial power. These sentences, however, have been ignored by the executive branch, which has «decided autonomously to satisfy the clamorous and unfounded claims of the extremists,» Fr. Jaeger explained. This is the reason the appeal was made to exert pressure on the Jerusalem government to reconsider its decision.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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