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Publisert 5. september 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Sept. 4 (CWNews.com) - At a September 4 audience with pilgrims who had come to Rome for the beatifications celebrated on the previous day, Pope John Paul II renewed his defense of Pope Pius IX against a spate of public criticism.

"Pius IX was beloved by the people because of his pastoral care," the Holy Father said. "He loved to preach, like a simple priest, to administer the sacraments in churches and hospitals, to meet with the people on the streets of Rome."

"The world did not always understand" this pontiff, John Paul continued. He was greeted with great enthusiasm when he first ascended Peter's throne, but "accusations, attacks, and calumnies followed very soon."

However, Pope Pius IX took the criticism in stride, the Pope continued, adding that his predecessor had shown a calm and loving regard for his critics. "The spirit of poverty, faith in God, and abandonment to divine Providence, as well as a keen sense of humor, helped him through the most difficult times," he said.

John Paul II mentioned two particular ways in which the interior life of Pius IX nourished his public ministry. The first was his trust in God. "My political program is, 'Our Father, who art in heaven,'" Pius once told an acquaintance. He also had a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary, and was particularly enthusiastic when he was able to proclaim the dogma of her Immaculate Conception.

Catholic World News Service - Vatican Update

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