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Publisert 4. september 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Revelations of Prefect of Congregation for the Causes of Saints

VATICAN CITY, AUGUST 31 (ZENIT.org).- Next Sunday two Popes will be beatified: Pius IX and John XXIII. On the same day, the Holy Father will also beatify Tommaso Reggio, an Archbishop of Genoa of the 19th century and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha; French priest Fr. Guillaume Joseph Chaminade, founder in the same century of the Marianist Family; and Irish Benedictine Fr. Columba Marmion, great master of spirituality of our time.

It is curious to note that two Popes who played decisive roles in history in the last two centuries will be beatified on the same day. In one ceremony, John Paul II will beatify the Pope of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and Vatican Council I, and the Pope of the encyclical «Pacem in Terris» and Vatican Council II. However, some of the media, even within the Church, have criticized this pontifical decision.

However, it is interesting to note the great admiration that John XXIII had for his predecessor, Pius IX, as the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, pointed out on Vatican Radio.

-- Some say that Pius IX should not be beatified, and much less so, together with John XXIII. What do you think?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: John XXIII had great esteem for Pius IX. In fact, on August 31, 1962 he went to Albano, a town outside of Rome, to visit Bishop Alberto Canestri, postulator of the cause of beatification, requesting the conclusion of the canonical itinerary of Pius IX's cause. As a good expert in Church history, especially the period of Pius IX, on January 2, 1959, he had already sent a hand-written note to Bishop Canestri, in which he said: «I bless your person, whom I would love to receive in audience, and I encourage you in a holy enterprise I feel profoundly: the glorification of Pius IX.» Signed: «Ioannes XXIII, Papa.» In another letter sent to Bishop G. Angrisani of Casale Monferrato, he affirmed: «I always think of Pius IX,of holy and glorious memory and, imitating him in his sacrifices, I would like to be worthy to celebrate his canonization.»

-- Pius IX has passed into history as the Pope of Vatican Council I, and John XXIII as that of Vatican II. Do you think there is particular significance in the joint beatification of these two pontiffs?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: The uniting of the beatification ceremony of two great Pontiffs who lived in such different periods is a coincidence, simply because both processes have been concluded at the same time. Therefore, the fact that the two supreme Pontiffs are raised to the glory of the altars together has no particular significance. The meaning of their beatification is that of the beatification of any servant of God: to be given to the faithful, and not only to the faithful, as examples of brothers and sisters gifted with uncommon charisms, who have preceded us on the roads of the world with virtues lived to a heroic degree.

-- In regard to Pope Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti specifically: what example has he left us?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: Pius IX enjoyed the fame of sanctity already during his life, especially in the last part of his pontificate, when his temporal power had definitively fallen; the effort he made to construct and reconstruct the 'fabric of connection' of the Church became manifestly evident to the whole Church, afflicted by rationalism, including theological, by nationalisms, international masonry, anticlericalism, sects already overrun by the modern mentality, the explosion of the 'social question,' and atheist Marxism. Above all,charity shone in him at all levels of his personal and social life, a charity that was the authentic fruit of unbreakable faith in Christ and his Church.

-- Virtues practiced to a heroic degree?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: In particular, as regards the heroic virtues practiced by Pius IX, his strength of spirit and meekness are outstanding. The famous Jesuit Carlo Iemolo said: «Even those who insulted him were never able to attack him as a man and as a priest. Vincenzo Gioberti and Domenico Farini (protagonists of Italy's unification process that expropriated the Pontifical States) regarded Pius IX as a fervent priest, with a faith without a shadow of doubt, a man above all suspicion. He judged everything from the religious point of view.»

-- What were the fundamental elements of Pius IX's spirituality?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: Above all, full confidence in God, nourished by an ardent piety that benefited his vocation, accompanied by the determination to serve the Church, especially in pastoral work. His desire for God was not reduced; in fact, it became more profound over time and with experience. His great characteristics were goodness of spirit, sincerity, dedication to the service of the Church. However,this sincere and profound spirituality was joined to spontaneity, which was the secret of his attractiveness. His personal piety was nourished by the Eucharist, with significant episodes, as being personally concerned with the care of his chapel, daily adoration, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

-- Pius IX is the Pope of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: Indeed, the great devotion he felt for the Virgin must be mentioned. On February 2, 1849, he addressed all the bishops of the world with the encyclical «Ubi Primum,» in which he asked their opinion on the opportunity to define the Immaculate Conception as dogma. Of the 600 replies, 9 out of 10 were in favor and, on December 8, 1854, in the presence of more than 200 Cardinals and bishops he proclaimed the dogma of faith with the bull «Ineffabilis.» In this bull,he himself says expressly that, from his earliest years, he had a special devotion to the Virgin. He promoted the month of May in honor of Mary, and he always had the Virgin of Sassoferrato on his desk. Moreover, he always had great devotion to St. Joseph. On September 10, 1846, he extended the feast of St. Joseph's patronage to the whole Church and, on December 8, 1870, he declared him patron of the universal Church with the decree «Quemadmodum.»

-- How did this spirituality influence the life of the Church?

-- Archbishop Saraiva Martins: Pope Pius IX's spirituality was translated in effective personal decisions: the promotion of a more prepared clergy, more zealous, paying special attention to the seminaries and to the establishment of the «Pius Seminary» for the diocese of the Pontifical State; the development of the religious Ordersand Congregations; classification of the liturgy and sacred art; the desire for Christian unity and opening to the East; launching a social Catholicism; and appreciation of the laity, especially with Catholic Action.

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