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Publisert 28. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Cardinal Camillo Ruini's Message of Gratitude to Eternal City

ROME, AUGUST 27 (ZENIT.org).- In a message sent to the ecclesial community in Rome and to the city itself, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Pope's Vicar for Rome, expressed his gratitude for their contribution to the success of World Youth Day.

«I thank you because you understood, and put into practice in the best possible way, the meaning of this unforgettable week: a world celebration of youth, but also a world celebration of our faith, a celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ present and living in our midst,» the Cardinal said.

«Once again, together we thank God for giving Rome this extraordinary bishop, our Pope, who understands youths profoundly, and knows how to immediately establish a dialogue of faith, love, and confidence in life with them. He makes them feel that the Lord is really close,» the Vicar of Rome added.

«Our heartfelt thanks to the Italian Committee, place of support of a great common undertaking, the dioceses of Latium [the region that includes Rome], and all Italian dioceses, which have contributed decisively to give full meaning to this World Day. Moreover, we thank all the authorities, the President of the Republic, the government's Commissioner, the city and the province of Rome, the region, and the other Latium provinces, which have been most solicitous and competent in the preparation and development of the World Day. We thank the forces of order, public transport workers, different organizations and associations of Rome and Latium, and all those who for various reasons have contributed to make this great youth event easier and happier,» Cardinal Ruini said.

«Naturally, very special thanks go to the volunteers who have given generously of themselves, to parishes, schools, religious houses, Roman families who have happily handled the great effort of the welcome, to doctors and nurses who gave themselves generously to health assistance. We thank the entire city, well aware that a complete list of all who collaborated is not possible,» the Vicar of Rome added.

Finally, Cardinal Ruini said: «To you, dearest parish priests, priests, men and women religious, lay teachers who work with youths, and to you, young people of Rome, who were protagonists of this extraordinary experience of faith and sharing, I don't only say thank you, I also say, emphatically: Keep going! Placing all our confidence in the Lord, with our Pope let us go forward together to construct an ever more profound alliance, open to all, between youths and Jesus Christ, our only Savior.»

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome