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Publisert 19. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Russian Youth Calls for End to Cold War Military Maneuvers

VATICAN CITY, AUGUST 18 (ZENIT.org).- Young men and women in Rome for World Youth Day prayed for the crew trapped in the Russian submarine "Kursk" at the bottom of the sea. Moreover, they sent solidarity messages to the sailors' families through the Italian Catholic agency SIR.

To the youths' prayer was added the voice of Russian Orthodox Mikhail Kojoukhovski, 30, from St. Petersburg, who took part in the International Youth Forum as a delegate of the Conference of European Churches. "My soul has raised a cry of prayer to God to save the youths who are trapped in the submarine," he said.

"Despite the festive atmosphere we are living in Rome, we cannot be indifferent to this catastrophe. We must be united: Italians, foreigners and Russians, the whole world; we must ask for everyone's solidarity. We feel close to the crew, but we also hope that a full stop will be put to this never-ending Cold War history," the Russian Orthodox youth implored.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome