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Publisert 17. august 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Aug. 14 (CWNews.com) - After nearly a full year of preparation, the vast outdoor site for the climactic ceremonies of World Youth Day is ready for the anticipated flood of pilgrims.

Tor Vergata, the site on the southeastern edge of Rome where World Youth Day will conclude on August 19 and 20, is a scenic venue, with over 800 acres of land where pilgrims can camp as well as the actual sites for the ceremonies themselves. Already the site has been occupied by 3,000 volunteers, who are living in tents there as they greet pilgrims for World Youth Day.

The main stage on which the final events of World Youth Day will be carried out is set up on an artificially constructed hill, so that it will be visible from the surrounding fields. The site has also been designed to allow some 15,000 special places for representatives of the world's episcopal conferences, for special guests from countries torn by warfare, for musicians and other performers, and for the handicapped.

During the weekend when World Youth Day reaches its peak, the population of Tor Vergata is expected to be equal to that of the city of Turin. Roads have been constructed through the site, as well as restrooms, medical facilities, telephones, information centers. With warm summer weather expected, organizers have made plans to distribute 4 million bottles of water to the pilgrims.

Upon arrival at Tor Vergata, the groups of pilgrims will be directed toward six different camps, each located within walking distance of the main venue. Translation services are in place, ready to render the speakers' words immediately into 17 different languages. And 14 large video screens are in place to relay the images from the podium.

The preparation of Tor Vergata has cost $120 million. After the conclusion of World Youth Day, the facilities will be transformed into a new university, as well as a site where the City of Rome will organize public fairs and expositions.

Catholic World News Service - Vatican Update