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Publisert 5. mars 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Analyze Peace Process Between Syria and Israel

VATICAN CITY, MAR 2 (ZENIT).- This morning John Paul II received Selim el-Hoss, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, who arrived in the Vatican to request the Pope's support at a crucial moment in relations between Syria and Israel.

The Lebanese Prime Minister is a 70-year-old economist who on various occasions has been president of the Sunni Council. The meeting with the Holy Father was open and direct, and lasted less than a quarter of an hour. When the meeting was over, the Pope, who seemed in good form, greeted the entire Lebanese delegation.

Selim el-Hoss gave the Pontiff a copy of his book, "Mission de Phenicie." When he received it, the Holy Father said: "The Phoenicians are your ancestors." John Paul II gave the Prime Minister copies of the Jubilee medals and a book on Michelangelo and the Sixtine Chapel.

This was the first time Selim el-Hoss has visited the Vatican. He requested the meeting with the Pope after tensions in the south of the country escalated, and were followed by the Israeli bombing of three electric power plants. The Pope was pleased with the request; he has always been especially interested in this most Christian country of the Middle East. In his post-Synodal exhortation (after the Special Synod for Lebanon) he requested that Lebanon be given back its territorial integrity and autonomy.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome

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