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Publisert 11. januar 2000 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN (CWNews.com) - At an October meeting, the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints could issue a pronouncement on the "heroic virtue" of Pope John XXIII, paving the way for his beatification.

Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, the prefect of the Congregation, has disclosed that the cardinals and bishops who make up the Congregation will hear the final presentation of the cause for John XXIII, and then vote on the authorization of a formal decree recognizing his "heroic virtue." If that decree is approved, he would be proclaimed "Venerable." Then, the subsequent recognition of a miracle attributed to the late pontiff's intercession would fulfill the requirements for his beatification. It is possible, therefore, that John XXIII could be beatified during the year 2000.

The decision of the Congregation-- on the cause of Pope John XXIII and on other pending causes-- will become public in December, when the decrees authorized by the Congregation are red in the presence of Pope John Paul II. The formal reading of these decrees usually takes place three times each year: before Christmas, at Easter, and in July.

Catholic World News Service

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