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Publisert 18. februar 1998 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

The rite of creating a cardinal

VATICAN CITY, FEB 17, 1998 (VIS) - When Pope John Paul creates 20 new cardinals on February 21 in the Paul VI Hall in his seventh such consistory, he will do so using a rite which was introduced in the June 28, 1991 consistory.

Following a liturgical greeting, the Pope reads the formula of creation, and solemnly proclaims the names of the new cardinals. The first of the new cardinals then addresses the Holy Father, on behalf of everyone. This is followed by the Liturgy of the Word, the Pope's homily, the Profession of Faith and the taking of the oath by each cardinal.

Each new cardinal then approaches the Holy Father and kneels before him to receive the cardinal's berretta and to be assigned a title or deaconry. The Pope places the berretta on his head and says, in part:

«(This is) red as a sign of the dignity of the office of a cardinal, signifying that you are ready to act with fortitude, even to the point of spilling your blood for the increase of the Christian faith, for peace and harmony among the people of God, for freedom and the spread of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.»

The new cardinals are assigned a church of Rome («Title» or «Deaconry»), as a sign of their participation in the pastoral care of the Pope for the city.

The rite concludes when the Holy Father hands over the Bull of the Creation of Cardinals, assigns the Title or Deaconry and exchanges a kiss of peace with the new members of the College of Cardinals. The cardinals also exchange such a sign among themselves.

The 20 new cardinals, their families and friends will gather in the Paul VI Hall, built at the direction of Pope Paul VI, who inaugurated and blessed it on June 30, 1971, the eighth anniversary of his pontificate.

This audience hall, designed by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, has a seating capacity of 6,300. Though it is most frequently used for the Pope's weekly general audience, it is also used for other large gatherings, the monthly rosary with the Holy Father and for concerts and consistories, such as the one scheduled for Saturday.

Several rooms for special audiences are located to the south of the platform or stage area. At center stage is an immense bronze sculpture of the Resurrection by Fazzini.

Above the entrance hall, which can accommodate the overflow of visitors, is the Synod Hall, which is in the shape of an amphitheater and is used for synods, congresses and other special meetings.

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