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The sources cited in the notes will be useful for those who are interested in reading more about St. Olav.

Those who wish to read about St. Olav's influence on Norwegian history and about the pilgrimages to Nidaros and Stiklestad can read the following books:

Olavs dyrking i Nidaros og Nord-Europa, by Andreas Seierstad, Nidaros 1930.

Hellig Olav, by Vera Henriksen, Oslo 1985, pp. 211-306

Olav, konge og helgen, myte og symbol, St. Olav Forlag, 1981, pp. 85-103, 155-173.

Pilegrimsveiene, by Olav Hummelvold, Røros 1980

I pilegrimenes fotspor til Nidaros, by Eivind Luthen, J. W. Cappelens Forlag, Oslo 1992
